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Services & methodology

Everything you need for game-changing digital experiences

REO Services Diagram

REO’s “Experience Loop”

Our service offering is made up of several complimentary services, that when used together, create a continuous framework for improvement of digital experiences: the “Experience Loop”.


The Experience Loop is a robust framework that adapts to your needs ensuring you “design the right experience” and “design the experience right.”


It is the safest and fastest way to identify underlying challenges and opportunities. We tailor every project by asking the right questions to understand your customers, your industry, competition, brand and aspirations. By conducting a range of scientific research and analysis we will unearth and formulate highly pertinent problem statements, that when solved will transform your experience.
User Research | Ethnographical Study | Diary Study | Customer Journey Mapping | Facial Analysis


It is what everyone gets behind. A good strategy should be laser focussed on solving the right problem. Resisting the temptation to start with the solution can be difficult. Our problem-solving methodology helps establish a strategy that will energise stakeholders and give you a solid and lasting model for decision making.
Problem Solving | Success Measures & ROI Models | Objective Setting | Commercial Alignment


It is having the right people, doing the right things, at the right time. We work with each client to assess what areas are missing to deliver the proposed strategy. We then work closely with you to instigate the most efficient way of overcoming them. Typically this will be a blend of training, process design, team alignment, introducing new ways of working and filling resource/skills gaps.

Dev Ops | Training | Process Design | Resourcing | Agile


It is a process of concept development, applying design thinking to create the most workable solutions within defined constraints, and the point at which form and function start to come together. Gradually increasing resolution, designing for an increasing number of break points, and refining concepts.
Experience Design | Product Design | Service Design | Design Sprints | Rapid Prototyping | Design Systems


Digital Experiences are in a constant state of flux, experimentation is the best way to continually adapt. Knowing what to experiment with, whether to run AB test, personalise, automated or manual, what to measure, how to build even the most complex of ideas, how to scale up the number of experiments and what a good process looks like are all areas we can help you with.
CRO | AB Testing | Personalisation | AI Driven | Channel Optimisation | MVT

Let’s work together.

We’re happy to discuss your digital experience and answer any questions.

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